• So sieht es also 2013 am Silvestermorgen aus.

    Es grünt so grün





     [An elderly gentleman of the amiable military type rushes into shelter, and closes a dripping umbrella. He is in the same plight as Freddy, very wet about the ankles. He is in evening dress, with a light overcoat. He takes the place left vacant by the daughter's retirement.]Es grünt so grün

    Es grünt so grünTHE GENTLEMAN. Phew!

    THE MOTHER [to the gentleman] Oh, sir, is there any sign of its stopping?

    THE GENTLEMAN. I'm afraid not. It started worse than ever about two minutes ago. [He goes to the plinth beside the flower girl; puts up his foot on it; and stoops to turn down his trouser ends].

    THE MOTHER. Oh, dear! [She retires sadly and joins her daughter].

    THE FLOWER GIRL [taking advantage of the military gentleman's proximity to establish friendly relations with him]. If it's worse it's a sign it's nearly over. So cheer up, Captain; and buy a flower off a poor girl.

    George Bernard Shaw: Pygmalion



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